Friday, 27 February 2015

Gem N Eyes, Beauty Salon in Enfield: 020 8367 5700

Welcome to Gem 'n' Eyes. Gem 'n' Eyes health and beauty salon established in May 2001, situated in the David Lloyd Centre in Enfield. 
Phone: 020 8367 5700

Thursday, 19 February 2015

Gellish nails, Gem n Eyes Health & Beauty Salon Enfield: 020 8367 5700

Full set of Gellish nails starting with the correct removal to keep healthy beautiful nails & then here the end result in Red Roses.

Gem N Eyes
Health & Beauty Salon
David Lloyd Centre
180 Caterhatch Lane
Enfield, Middlesex,
EN1 4LF 
020 8367 5700