Saturday, 21 March 2015

Gem N Eyes Beauty Salon Enfield: 020 8367 5700 : HI BROWS Growth and conditioning serum

Gem N Eyes Beauty Salon Enfield: 020 8367 5700

Now selling HI BROWS Growth and conditioning serum for brows and lashes.

Gem 'n' Eyes health and beauty salon established in May 2001, situated in the David Lloyd Centre in Enfield.

Friday, 27 February 2015

Gem N Eyes, Beauty Salon in Enfield: 020 8367 5700

Welcome to Gem 'n' Eyes. Gem 'n' Eyes health and beauty salon established in May 2001, situated in the David Lloyd Centre in Enfield. 
Phone: 020 8367 5700

Thursday, 19 February 2015

Gellish nails, Gem n Eyes Health & Beauty Salon Enfield: 020 8367 5700

Full set of Gellish nails starting with the correct removal to keep healthy beautiful nails & then here the end result in Red Roses.

Gem N Eyes
Health & Beauty Salon
David Lloyd Centre
180 Caterhatch Lane
Enfield, Middlesex,
EN1 4LF 
020 8367 5700